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How do I order?

For quick service use the order form to have your firewood delivered when you prefer.

Alternatively email or text your order to us at or 07973300114


When is the best time to buy firewood?

Astwick Forestry recommends that to get the best results and value for money from your firewood, you should purchase your logs in the spring to burn the following winter.

When should I avoid buying firewood?

Due to the difficultly of drying timber during the winter months, any log dealer is at risk of running out of firewood towards the end of the winter months, especially in a cold winter. We suggest that all log customers should stock up with firewood before the beginning of the winter.

How can I pay for my firewood?

Payments can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer (our bank details are supplied on the bottom of our invoices).

You have 28 days to make the payment for your firewood. 




How many logs do I get in 2 cubic meters?

In a 2 cubic meter load you will receive approximately 400 Logs.


How are your logs measured?

The logs are measured loosely in a 2 cubic meter bucket.

When the logs are stacked you remove air gaps, thus your stacked firewood volume will be smaller than the loose 2 cubic meters delivered to you.


Why doesn't Astwick Forestry Services kiln-dry their wood?

We do not kiln-dry our firewood because this is an ineffective technique of seasoning wood as it only dries the outside.

This leaves us with an unsatisfactory product. Also, this method is very expensive and this would result in the price of firewood increasing. 


What size are your logs?

Our firewood processor is set to 10 inches and 98% of your logs will be 10 inches long or less.


What if I require a different size logs?

Firewood can be cut to any size required, however it can only be supplied fresh cut.



How long does it take to get a delivery?

Logs are normally delivered in 1-2 days, for quick service use the order form provided.


How will my logs be delivered?

Logs are normally delivered in 1-2 days, for quick service use the order form provided.


Can I pick up my logs from your yard?

Unfortunately, we do not hold insurance to protect customers in our yard. 


What if it's raining when my logs are delivered?

Seasoned logs are tipped in a dry condition onto your driveway.

It is advisable to have a tarpaulin handy to cover the dry logs if it’s raining. 


How should I store my firewood?

Ideally, firewood should be stored under a waterproof roof, raised off the ground with the wind blowing through the logs.

Our log stores can be seen on our Woodland Products page.

How much storage space do I need for my firewood?

Astwick Forestry Services recommend that your log store should be able to store an entire winters worth of fuel for your household. 



How long does it take to season your fresh cut firewood?

Seasoning is dependent upon weather conditions and type of wood.

On average it should take 3-4 months to season 4 cubic meters of our fresh cut firewood during the summer months.

This can take a lot longer in the winter months.


How much firewood do I need for the winter?

A household using firewood to top up their central heating, will roughly use 2-4 cubic meters of firewood per year.

A household that is using the firewood solely for their heating, will roughly use 8-12 cubic meters of firewood per year.

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